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  5. how to choose a stepper motor according to the use environment

how to choose a stepper motor according to the use environment

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Stepper Motors

The use of stepper motors is limited by the temperature and humidity of the workplace, and its use is not limited to indoors. OA machines are generally used in places with good indoor environment, and the stepper motors are used in a sealed turning state; but when used in automobiles and FA machines, they will also be in dusty environments; or in machines placed outside the house (monitors, etc.); Or used in high temperature environment. The standard models of stepper motor manufacturers are described in the catalog. If you want to make a special order, please contact the manufacturer.


1. Ambient temperature

The insulation level of stepper motors is mostly E-class motors. The ambient temperature of E-class is 50℃, the temperature rise of the motor is less than 70℃, and the coil temperature should not exceed 120℃. When the stepper motor is actually installed, it is usually installed on the metal base plate or outer wall. At this time, the metal box in which the stepper motor is installed can function as a heat sink, and the temperature rise is smaller than when the motor is measured alone.


Measures to control the temperature are to add an external cooling fan or to stop or slow down the motor and run it at a reduced power. When the motor is running at high temperature, the insulation level of the coil is preferably Class B, Class F or Class H. At this time, not only the insulation level is improved, but also high temperature resistance measures are required for the bearing grease or permanent magnets.


2. Humidity

Determining the temperature and humidity is usually based on the premise of non-condensation. At this time, the rust and corrosion of the iron core and permanent magnets are mainly considered. Especially for hybrid stepper motors, rust must not occur in the air gap between the stator and rotor under high temperature and humidity conditions. Improve the use environment so that it does not exceed the environmental requirements specified by the manufacturer. If you have special requirements, please consult with the manufacturer.


3. Dust-proof type

The dust-proof type is mainly used in places such as conductors and bearings to prevent the intrusion of dust. Most of them use rubber or resin to protect the coil part, lead wire part, etc. This should be negotiated with the manufacturer.


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